I'm back....so much time has passed. I know life has its ups and downs, and quite often blogging is a way of sharing them, but this year has been the hardest year of my life without question. I have had to be as strong as i have ever been. But it has been balanced by good things. We have to grasp them when they come along don't we?
Our beautiful puppy has grown up into a gorgeous girl. Those beautiful eyes have made me smile when i thought i would never be able to again. That fluffy beard has mopped up my tears. This dog just knows what to do to cheer you up. She is a true friend.
Though stressful, one of the positive changes in my life has been a move. It was worth it. Hard work ahead. But worth it. True shabby chic...peeling paint, crumbling plaster....but worth it. It means my boy won't have to trek half way across the county to go to school and can make his own way there. He is closer to his friends. He loves it. I had no idea how difficult this year was going to be, but we moved at the beginning and since then however dilapidated this house has been like a huge hug to me when i needed it. It just had "that" feeling. It is a massive undertaking. I'm not sure i can do it so i am concentrating on one room at a time. Even one room a year. We have finished the first one in time for Christmas. We banished the orange walls, dusty curtains and grotty carpet and i am so proud of it. My very own library....I will give you a peek....
I have finally got rid of the last speck of plaster dust, and been able to unpack some of my things. After the year i have had that is a GOOD feeling. We will make this ugly duckling into the most beautiful swan.
But first....Christmas decorating!
Best wishes to everyone, have a good week and keep warm. xx
1 year ago