How appropriate. A much loved Christmas present from DH has once again become a comfort. It depicts what we are and what we will always be - a couple loving each other in the midst of domestic chaos and home and all the ups and downs that brings. The little fox terrier will always be a part of our life too, which is why this Nicola Slattery print is special to me.
Thank goodness for a touch of sunshine this week pouring in the windows and making the house seem brighter and lighter at last - I spied some tulips appearing at last. I had planted them in a torrential shower last year and refused to come in till i had finished all 100 of them - by then the soil had turned to mud and I was covered from head to toe with rivulets running down the waist of my jeans and into my knickers - nice!. DH had given up after the first dozen and watched with concern from the warmth with a cup of coffee in hand, occasionally opening the window and shouting "Oy, you'll catch pneumonia you know!!!" Every gorgeous bloom will be enjoyed with a real sense of satisfaction.....every single one had better raise its head or there will be trouble!!!
Thank you so much for your kind comments about our Lucy-dog. They really helped me to accept what happened and remember her how she used to be.
Have a happy weekend x
what a lovely print...ive bought many prints and cards and framed them as they remind me of my life or me or my interests- its lovely u have your family around you at such a time of need...slowly life begins again and spring has come and all will bring a new brightness in your life ;0)xx