Well, Tuesday morning dawned and that was it, all out in a rush and then back to the school routine. I secretly looked forward to having some time to myself and catching up with house stuff but also secretly dreaded it. Wandering round the empty house picking up pyjamas, I spotted a poor discarded teddy and a football that has been attached to his feet for the last 3 weeks, inside and out. I miss him already. I savour every minute of his company, his funny ways, his gentle nature and his sense of fun. I am so proud of him as he grows up and the last 9 years have gone in a flash.
Deciding to get on with things i was glad of the sunshine at last - hope you had some where you were. So nice to have the doors open all day, birds singing, washing on the line and an excuse to go outside and wander and watch. Its very nice having sheep in the field behind our house to watch, very amusing when they escape and jump over the fence so we have to clap our hands and send them back, but so noisy! The lambs are just so cute, and it feels so bizarre to be standing in my garden listening to them baa baa baa-ing when in the last house i would stand and listen to lorries trundling past. Their calling is so child-like my sub-conscious makes me want to drop my washing and run and see whats wrong. Mad? or just hormones....
I havent done anything in my garden yet except throw in a few bulbs last year and hope for the best, and its amazing that they have rewarded me months later by looking beautiful! So, a few shots of what's looking pretty so i can look back in the dead of winter and remember why its worth planting more...
Spring Green tulips with their lime stripe.
A magnolia tree past its best but still looking pretty.
My new herb garden - i hope they grow bigger!
And finally...
My rusty woodpecker - a present from W, and it makes me a laugh because he went to so much trouble to get it, so makes him cross when he sees it!
So, before i knew it it was time to collect. The house was clean and shiny with everything in its place for once, washing taken in, beds changed and dinner in the oven. Everything came together today. Doesnt happen often does it? A lovely spring evening, homework done, knife and fork dropped to fly out and play football before bed. Just an ordinary day, but a nice one to remember.
Glad you had a lovely day, it's nice when 'a plan comes together' :0) I love your woodpecker by the way.
hey! congrats! don't forget to email me your full postal address to receive your surprise gift! x